陽光明媚的一天,我們去了帛琉最北邊的外島 ,世界上最美麗的島嶼之一進行淨灘活動。
A sunny relaxing day we were up to the Northernmost island of Palau. Coastal cleanup in one of the most beautiful island, Kayangel island.
凱漾島環礁由四個島嶼組成,面積約1.78平方公里 ,它是地球上最美麗的地方之一,也是最脆弱的地方之一。 你可以很容易地看到海龜在沙灘上產卵,鷹鰩在淺灘游動、椰子蟹滿地都是、海鷗成群的在頭頂上飛,這些動物的數量遠遠超過當地人的數量。
Kayangel Atoll is made out of four islands, At approximately 1.78 square kilometers. It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and one of the most vulnerable.You can easily see sea turtles come to laying eggs on the beach, Eagle rays swims around the short, Coconut crab all over the ground, Sea gulls are flying over head, and those population of animals are way more than local people amount.
漁夫父子 The fisherman father and two suns
雨過天晴 Rainbow shows up after storm passing
島國是第一個見證海洋危機的國家,然而他們也是第一個為環境付諸行動的。 洋流以動態的形式把粉白柔軟的沙帶到島嶼周邊,同時它們也把塑膠帶進來。垃圾每天從世界各地隨洋流湧入這個未受破壞的海灘,也因此而影響大自然生物。
Island nations are the first to bear witness to the Ocean Crisis. They’re also the first to act.
Currents pull white powder-soft sand around in a dynamic, They also pull in plastic. The trash comes from all over the world by the currents to this untouched beach everyday.
Thank you to all of volunteers across the world, who stand for the oceans and work together to create a better world. Let’s create change, together. FOR THE OCEANS.
從世界各地跟隨著浪潮漂流而來的拖鞋。photo by Skylar
島民 Lasa 每天一個人打掃海岸,撿起所有的海洋垃圾來保持家園的整潔,也保護海洋動物的生活環境,他從海灘上收集大約5000隻漂上岸的拖鞋,用海裡找到的繩子把它們掛起來,並把這裡名為「拖鞋海灘」。
Local Kayangel islander “Lasa” The Man, cleaning the coast by himself every single day, picking up all the marine waste to keep home clean. Collecting about 5,000 slippers from the beach, to hang them with the rope.
目的是為了呼籲那些可能遺失拖鞋的人, 也許有一天你可以在凱漾島看到你的拖鞋 。
你可以幫助保護這些地球上的島嶼免受塑膠污染: 减少一次性塑膠的使用、避免使用含有微珠的產品、正確回收、支持禁令、傳播資訊!
Island nations are the first to bear witness to the Ocean Crisis. They’re also the first to act. The trash comes from all over the world by the currents to this untouched beach everyday. Called Slipper Beach He made it to inspire people who might lost their slippers, and one day you may can see your slippers in Kayangel island.