大海是我的家,在海裡翱翔是我的日常,我擁有龐大的體型,5.5米的翅膀,張開大嘴的我不是遇到了威脅,只是沈醉在美味的饗宴,動作優雅、生性害羞,不喜歡受到驚擾,我是溫柔的巨人,我是Manta Ray 鬼蝠魟。
The ocean is where I living, soar in the ocean is my daily life.
I have giant body, reaches 5.5 meters-wide wings.
Not the threat make me open my mouth, I just enjoy my yummy meal.
Elegant, shy, don’t like to be disturbed.
I am Gentle Giant, I am Manta Ray.
Social distance is respect.
Marine Life: Manta Rays
Location: German Channel, Palau
● A film by Palau Blue Productions
● Diver / 王駿 Toy Wang
● Filmed & Edited / 陳柏翰 Skylar Chen