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作家相片Skylar Chen

潛水泡泡 Diving Bubbles

疫情至今持續八個月了,我們依然持續留在海裡紀錄,平均每週出海潛水一次,目的就是要趁這個時候把最真實的海島生活面貌給記錄下來。 這段空窗期遇見不少朋友,來自世界各地的潛導,一個比一個還資深,雖然疫情影響工作狀態,但不變的是我們的生活方式,更好的是讓我們有時間一起更深入的探索帛琉,同時也給自然生態一個喘息的空間。


如果你/妳也期待跟我們一起相約在海裡 歡迎轉貼影片與留下信息,讓我們提前認識你!

Some of footages that I filmed from past few months while our borders remain closed during this pandemic. It given us the extra time to do more exploration with local friends from all over the world. It also given our ocean much-needed breathing. We've been diving as more as possible to enjoy the unmanned ocean that we ever experienced in Palau. Our purpose is to document the nature environment and local community all together.

We will continue to explore more inside look on what we see in this pristine paradise. And we hope to see you guys soon. Who wants to dive with us? Please leave a comment and subscribe.


Special Thanks:

Koki / Bangladesh

James / Korean

Jordan / Palau

Haley / Taiwan

Chihro / Japan

Justin / China

Toy / Taiwan

Alice / China

Paul / Palau

Franklin / Yap

Billy / Taiwan

Kevin Korean

Film by Palau Blue Productions

Cameraman & Editor by @skychen626

With Olympus EM1 Mark II, EM10 Mark III, C4K, 7-14mm F2.8 Pro, 75mm F1.8, 12-40mm F2.8 Pro in @nauticamhousings


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