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 影片 Films 

帛琉藍角 Palau Blue Corner 2022|神仙魚 Moorish Idols “spawning aggregations”

帛琉藍角 Palau Blue Corner 2022|神仙魚 Moorish Idols “spawning aggregations”

藍角一直被評為世界頂級潛水目的地之一,這是有充分理由的。 這個地方除了得天獨厚的潛水地形和洋流之外,成立海洋保護區訂定潛水運動相關規範,一直是造就這個環境的生物豐富多樣性的關鍵。 在帛琉有許多大家耳熟能詳的生物行為,牠們在每年不同的時期和月球引力下產生,例如隆頭鸚哥魚、紅雕魚、海雕魚、魔鬼魚可觀看之外,還有每年1、2月上弦月時會在「藍角」發生的Moorish Idols (神仙魚) 生物交配 。 幾乎所有作為珊瑚魚種類都有雄性和雌性,牠們在海中產卵並釋放浮游卵。卵隨著水流漂走,孵化成幼蟲並在海中發育,然後在幾周到幾個月後牠們變成幼體,並有望回到礁石上長到成年。牠們的行為範圍從個體(如蘇眉魚),到數千、萬個體的大規模群聚,稱為“產卵群聚交配”。 帛琉漁民幾代人都知道某些物種的產卵群聚交配,我們也從各國資深潛導的知識傳授下,努力捕捉並驗證這些信息擴大海洋知識。而今年很幸運的看到比往年數量還要更龐大的神仙魚群在現此地,雖然傳說魚群交配時會被群鯊獵食的影像畫面沒有拍到以外,至少我們也在遠處見證了這些大自然的秘密。 Some of clips from the last few weeks of diving. The Moorish idols fish spawning aggregations was bigger than last year. To see this amazing marine life behavior was so blessing. A film by Palau Blue Productions 關於我們 About us:
Palau Demo Reel 2020|帛琉動態影像作品集 2020

Palau Demo Reel 2020|帛琉動態影像作品集 2020

這部影片結合了我在帛琉2020年拍攝時,出現的一些足迹。 帛琉是一個位在南太平洋的小國家,是全世界少數幾個沒有疫情的地方,所以各種當地的活動還是有在繼續進行的。 儘管如此,帛琉在2020年4月正式進入封島狀態,至今已過一年多。 旅遊業是帛琉的經濟命脈,少了人類的旅遊活動,跟我一樣在旅遊業工作的人一直失業到現在。 大多數的外國人已經走了,我之所以選擇留下來,是因為我深深地愛著這片海洋,這是我的生活方式,還有很多未完成的畫面沒有捕捉到。 儘管我們在這場大流行中仍然感到恐慌,但這裡的人們仍然過著簡單的生活方式,並保持樂觀的態度生活。 更了解當地文化、更親近自然 讓我意識到我喜歡紀錄影像這件事一直都沒有改變。 - 支持我們創造更多美麗的海島影像,感謝捐助我們! 製作 - Palau Blue Productions 攝影/剪輯/音效/調色/ - Skylar Chen ●Vimeo ●Facebook ●Instagram: - This showreel combines some of my footages while I captured in Palau 2020. Palau is a country where is Covid-Free. So all kinds of activities are still going on. Still, Palau officially went to lockdown in April, 2020, people who worked in the hospitality/tourism industry, they've been laying off until now. Most of foreigners are already gone. And the reason why I chose to remain is because I love this ocean deeply, and here is my way of life. People still lead a simple life and be positive even though we still panic in this pandemic. And what have i realized is I love film. Always have and always will. - Support us to create more beauty of sense, donate us! A film by Palau Blue Productions Camera / Editor / Sound Effect / Colorist by Skylar Chen ●Facebook ●Instagram:
《Belau - Towards the dawn 航向黎明》| 帛琉紀事 Palau Documentary Short | 中文字幕版

《Belau - Towards the dawn 航向黎明》| 帛琉紀事 Palau Documentary Short | 中文字幕版

帛琉共和國 位於赤道北緯7度的太平洋島國,屬於密克羅尼西亞島嶼聯邦,人口約1萬8千人,2012年列為世界文化遺產,是世界知名的海洋天堂島。 自然生態豐富以外,且保有傳統海島文化,當地以”BUL”的古語來傳承環境永恆的生活方式。觀光業為主要的經濟命脈,潛水旅遊產業世界聞名,連續多年被評為人生必去的國家之一。 席捲全球的新型冠狀病毒“Covid-19”從未停止,如今已波及196個國家中的191個。 帛琉共和國是少數未受感染的國家之一,是一個以旅遊產業為主要經濟命脈的島國。 少了遊客的海洋有任何變化嗎? 帛琉島民心中是否還存在任何希望? 疫情究竟給帛琉帶來了怎樣的變化? 雖然人去縷空,地球終於得以休養生息,疫情至今我們留在帛琉紀錄著,那些途中遇到或正在發生的鳥事就通通丟到海裡,只想分享我們的所見所學,一部短片記錄了帛琉樸實無華的自然美景、帛琉人民面臨的問題、以及旅遊業者對於未來的盼望。 如果你計畫來旅遊,不妨先看看,如果你對我們的故事感興趣,也別忘了追蹤我們,未來持續會有更多作品分享給大家。 Republic of Palau Located at 7 degrees north of the equator, the Pacific island country belongs to the Federated States of Micronesia Islands, with a population of about 18,000. It was listed as a World Heritage in 2012 and is a world-renowned ocean paradise island. In addition to the rich natural ecology, it also retains the traditional island culture. The local community inherits the eternal lifestyle of the environment with the old saying "BUL". Tourism is the main economic lifeline, and the diving tourism industry is world-renowned, and has been rated as one of the must-go countries in life for many years. The novel coronavirus "Covid-19" that has swept the world has never stopped, and has now spread to 191 of 196 countries. The Republic of Palau is one of the few uninfected countries. It is an island country with tourism as its main economic lifeline. Is there any change in the oceans without tourists? Is there any hope in the hearts of Palau islanders? What changes has the epidemic brought to Palau? Although tourists are gone, the earth was finally able to recuperate. So far we have stayed in Palau to record the epidemic, and all of stressing we’ve been facing were thrown into the sea. We just want to share what we have seen and learned, a short film record. It reflects the unpretentious natural beauty of Palau, the problems faced by the people of Palau, and the hope of the tourism industry for the future. If you plan to travel, you might as well take a look first. If you are interested in our story, don't forget to follow us. There will be more works to share with you in the future. - 客戶 Client|Jim Hirata 出品人 Producer|Jun Hirata 製作公司 Produced Studio|Palau Blue Productions 攝影 Videography|Alex Wang, Skylar Chen 剪接 Editor / 調光 Colorist / 後期 Post Production|Skylar Chen 特別感謝 Special thanks to Alii Palau by Jun Hirata Check more about us: ●Facebook: ●Vimeo: ●Instagram:
The show of Manta ray feeding|帛琉魔鬼魚翻滾| Palau Underwater 4K

The show of Manta ray feeding|帛琉魔鬼魚翻滾| Palau Underwater 4K

昨天有20隻manta同一時間在後空翻feeding,完全不知道拍那一隻,因為不管怎麼拍,鏡頭都塞不下他們龐大的身軀。 影片裡這隻manta是我們在帛琉拍攝manta feeding 這三個月以來最長出現在我們鏡頭前面的,在拍攝的當下總是非常混亂、流又強,每當我發現鏡頭裡面是Freckles的時候心裡就會有種想像,5米的龐大身軀飛向我,彷彿她也對我們感到好奇,想靠近我,表演給我看。 最後有點小緊張,因為他離我越來越近,速度完全沒有停下來 #很怕被撞飛 There were 20 mantas in the backflip at the same time yesterday. I didn't know which one to shoot, because no matter how I shot, the camera couldn't fit their huge bodies. In the film, this manta is the one of most shown in front of my camera since we’ve been shooting manta feeding in Palau for three months. It’s always very chaotic, and strong in coming tide at the moment of shooting. Whenever I see Freckles in the camera monitor, I imagine she was also curious about me. Fly to me with her 5 meters huge body, wanted to be closer to me, wanted to show me how she feed. In the end I was a bit scared of her because she didn’t slow down her speed just kept fly to me. Manta ID Freckles - 素材版權請聯繫 ●4K clips available More about us: ●Facebook: ●Vimeo: ●Instagram:
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